complete the following form for a free top-line assessment of your communications & marketing efforts

Our team will take your responses and create a report that shows your comms maturity level and reveals any gaps that might need addressing. This is not an automated effort—the report is custom-made based on your responses. For an accurate assessment, please answer the questions carefully and honestly (there really are no right or wrong answers).

We will ask for basic contact information so we can email the report to you. You will be asked to answer the following:

Do you have measurable and repeatable processes for the following marketing & communications activities?

Answer for each:
-> YES: There is a measurable and repeatable process
-> SOMEWHAT: We have this function or activity, but the process is not clearly defined or results are unclear
-> NO: This is not currently done, or no longer done
->UNKNOWN: Not sure if we have this

NOTE: You are not answering Yes/No to whether or not you have completed an activity, but whether there is a repeatable and measurable process in place for that activity.

Sample Comms Maturity Baseline
Comms Report Sample Basleline Review

If you would like to discuss any of your responses with us, or would like an informal conversation about your communications then please provide your email address or book an appointment below.