Jacopo Buongiorno is Professor of Nuclear Science & Engineering at MIT and a member of the US...

GRIDLOCKED is a mixed-format docuseries podcast covering key solutions to many of the world's fundamental challenges. Each season focuses on a major intersection of obstacles in the way of human progress, promoting an improved public discourse as we look to move forward.
In Season 1, we dive deep into the energy gridlock. We explore the realities of renewable energy, the limitations and challenges of the energy grid, dispel nuclear myths, and highlight approaches and technologies that fix the gridlock of today and tomorrow.
Co-Founder, Mothers for Nuclear
Design and Project Engineering, PG&E
Leading Meteorologist and Climate Scientist
Professor Emeritus, MIT
Co-Writer, Oliver Stone's 'Nuclear Now'
Co-Author, A Bright Future
Professor Emeritus, American University
CEO, Quantified Carbon
Managing Director, Deepsense
Co-Author, A Bright Future
Nuclear Engineer and Nuclear Materials Scientist
Senior Nuclear Energy Analyst, BTI
Prime Minister National Youth Awardee, Jamaica
Strategist and Designer
Co-Founder Advanced Nuclear Production Experts Group (MIT CANES)
CTO and Founder GenH and V Squared Wind
Internationally Recognized Industrial Designer
President, Trotti & Associates
Co-Founder, Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture
Founder and Executive Director of Save Clean Energy
Creator of Online Persona, Isodope
TED Talk Speaker
Podcast Presenter
Brand Strategist & Designer
Podcast Director
Co-Founder, Renovata
Podcast Producer & Writer
Co-Founder, Renovata
This episode introduces Gridlocked, the new docuseries podcast exploring ‘why the 21st Century is broken and how to fix it.’
April 19, 2023
This episode, Spaceship Earth, introduces listeners to the current worldwide energy context, focusing on the climate emergency against the backdrop of increasing global energy demand.
May 12, 2023
Our first discussion episode, The Economist and the Engineer, features Pia Malaney, senior economist at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and co-founder of the Center for Innovation, Growth and Society, and Kristin Zaitz, civil engineer and co-founder, Mothers for Nuclear.
May 26, 2023
This episode, Running into Reality, delves into some key considerations in contemporary energy policy that most commentators hide away from. We question whether renewables are really such a good idea, and why it is that fossil fuel companies are among renewables’ biggest cheerleaders.
June 9, 2023
In the podcast’s second panel discussion show, Gridlocked host Rolake Ojo is joined by special guest Staffan Qvist, CEO of tech consultancy, QuantifiedCarbon, and Gridlocked writer and producer, Nick O’Hara. The panel builds on some of the key issues raised in the previous Running into Reality episode of Gridlocked, addressing key issues on how to build a clean energy future.
June 23, 2023
This episode, And Now for Nuclear, covers the reasons why many of us continue to oppose nuclear energy, despite the fact that it is the only energy source that is both clean and reliable, and can be deployed at large, strategic scale.
July 7, 2023
In the podcast's third panel discussion show, Gridlocked writer and producer Nick O'Hara is joined by Save Clean Energy founder and exec director, Isabelle Boemeke, and MIT professor of nuclear science and engineering Jacopo Buongiorno. The panel builds on many of the issues raised in the previous And Now for Nuclear episode of Gridlocked, addressing key considerations of nuclear energy and the role it can play in helping us ‘solve’ climate change.
August 1, 2023
This episode, Inflection Point, discusses how advanced energy technologies – including small modular and micro nuclear reactors, together with renewables – can enable us to ‘turn the corner’ on climate change.
Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined by Gridlocked creators Nick O’Hara and Mark Havenner who, through presenting a mixture of guest expert contribution alongside their own narration, introduce listeners to some of the key issues in unlocking a clean energy future.
September 7, 2023
In the podcast’s fourth panel discussion show, Gridlocked writer and producer Nick O’Hara is joined by Kerry Emanuel, professor emeritus of meteorology and co-founder of the MIT Lorenz Center; and Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT professor of nuclear science and engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems. The panel builds on many of the issues raised in the previous Inflection Point episode of Gridlocked, addressing key considerations of how to decarbonize societies and combat climate change.
September 20, 2023
This episode, Tomorrow’s World, discusses how a path to combatting climate change can be made possible through the linchpin of dense and clean energy – an abundance of it, supplied through new and advanced energy technologies.
Podcast host Rolake Ojo is joined by Gridlocked creators Nick O’Hara and Mark Havenner who, through presenting a mixture of guest expert contribution alongside their own narration, introduce listeners to some of the key issues in breaking the ‘gridlock’ to a clean energy future.
October 13, 2023