choose your sector
Renovata's Comms Maturity Model fits any sector, however the specific tactics can vary wildly. We are offering a free top-line assessment so you can get a sense of where you are with your communications.
Below you have three survey options to choose from: B2B; B2C; and Non-Profit. Click the button that best describes your organization. Only answer the questions that apply to you and select "don't know" if they do not.
This top-line report is a broad-stroke review, if you were to engage with our team in the future we would create a bespoke program based on your organization's unique situation and goals.
Your email is required so we can send you the report. You will not receive any marketing materials unless you specifically agree to it. This is not a marketing exercise for us, we are on a fact-finding mission to better understand the needs of organizations.
report sample